(formerly LANGE)
Wohnen ist Leben
Together with Tatjana Dillinger and Roland Schnalzer at Graz University of Technology, Austria
In today’s society it can be difficult to find time or ways to be in contact with ones feelings: people are swarmed with impressions without possibility to process them, which leads to hebetation. If one is in harmony with ones inner self, one also feels better and is able to bear more.
Architecture has the possibility to stimulate and enhance different emotions, depending on its character. However, most often this is not possible at home (usually because of lack of space) and this is why emotion spaces should be available in public places. In Graz the choice fell upon the trams, because they cover a large part of the city as well as lower the initial resistance by being a safe and recognisable spatiality from everyday life.
One can only board “fahrfeel” at selected stops (but exit anywhere along the line). This is in order to exploit the already existing energy of each place and the use it as a polarising factor. As an example the stop for the tram of Relaxation is at the very hectic Jakominiplatz.
Every emotion has it own tram (except for Anger and Joy, that share for increased contrast) where the architectonical deign works with every sense: sight, taste, smell, hearing and touch.